Customers worldwide enjoy peace of mind running their critical applications with the unmatched availability of Stratus’ simple, protected, autonomous compute platform. Take advantage of this timely opportunity to upgrade your Stratus ftServer platform. Continue to benefit from the industry’s leading combination of reliability, virtualization, and technical support for your business.
The current ftServer platforms offer the latest performance gains, allowing you to extend Stratus’ reliability to other applications, and optimize your computing resources for today’s advanced enterprise software at the industrial edge and edge data center.
Now is a good time to start planning your upgrade to the next generation ftServer platform. The Stratus ftServer Technology Refresh program provides an unmatched opportunity to update your existing Stratus systems to the latest architecture, ensuring your mission-critical applications run at peak performance.
Increase performance and extend the life of your business-critical applications
Boost performance while managing costs and reducing risk with Stratus’ latest generation of ftServers. Offering 50% or greater performance enhancement over previous systems, the 11th generation Stratus ftServer systems further maximize the computing power and reliability you require for today’s industrial edge and edge data center locations. Additional capabilities offered include:
- Support for the latest Stratus supported operating systems – ftServer supports VMware, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and Microsoft Windows Server; newer operating system versions feature significant security enhancements and the latest support and patching.
- NVMe™ memory – Available as a 1.6TB option for ftServer configurations, NVMe offers the fastest storage available and is ideal for high-performance applications such as real-time analytics and machine learning (ML).
- Intel® Cascade Lake chipsets – Intel’s 2nd generation Xeon Scalable Processors feature 2.2Ghz speed and 10 to 36 CPU cores for AI and IoT workloads.
Always-On Global Service and Support
Mission-critical applications require a compute platform that runs around the clock supported by proactive services and technical expertise that prevent both unplanned and planned downtime, and avoid data loss. When you pair Stratus ftServer systems with our industry-leading services, you benefit from the most robust environment for your essential applications.
Purpose-built and engineered for high availability and fault tolerance, ftServer is designed to be serviced and maintained while in operation, without disruption or downtime. Stratus’ built-in self-diagnosing system health, including alerts, that facilitate deliver remote monitoring, root cause determination, proactive issue resolution, and frictionless serviceability.
Stratus provides a range of support and service offerings with a single focus: to enable long-term continuous system availability and uptime for your critical applications. Leverage our essential set of “wrap around” services – from basic support to proactive uptime monitoring – to ensure the health of your ftServer platforms, including underlying hardware and software components, to deliver peak performance with no system downtime.
As a result, you can deploy and maintain Stratus computing platforms with less effort, worry, and aftermarket cost, while operating them for twice the lifespan of traditional servers, clusters, or IPCs from other vendors.
For more information, please contact your Stratus Account Executive or visit our web page.
Top Considerations
1. What are the benefits of a Tech Refresh with Stratus?
The Stratus Tech Refresh program helps you better manage your Stratus computing infrastructure and ensure peak performance of your mission-critical applications by upgrading to the latest generation of Stratus ftServer compute platforms.
2. My ftServer systems is still going strong; why should I change?
There are several reasons you may decide to refresh your ftServer systems:
- The latest software applications require additional memory, storage or other capacity to maintain peak performance
- You want to leverage newer technologies, such as the latest operating systems, higher performing processors and faster memory to support increasing demands from applications
- As part of your resource and asset management planning, you can reduce annual support costs while optimizing
- Total Costs of Ownership Long capital budgeting cycles require you to plan in advance to ensure your mission-critical applications run at peak performance
3. Can I re-use my old ftServer for another solution?
Yes, as part of the refresh process, you can allocate your earlier generation ftServer systems to support applications which are not business critical.
4. I am running both Stratus and non-Stratus server infrastructure. Can I refresh my non-Stratus equipment to a Stratus ftServer platform?
Now is a good time to consider other critical applications to migrate to Stratus platforms.
With the added performance a tech refresh provides, you can leverage virtualization to move more critical applications from non-Stratus platforms to your new ftServer platform, streamlining system management and reducing costs.
5. What other issues should I consider during a tech refresh?
A tech refresh is an ideal time to review your application and system requirements. For example, you may want to consider:
- What are the hardware requirements of the latest software?
- What are the network and bandwidth requirements?
- Do I want to consolidate additional software applications onto my ftServer?
- What is my total cost of ownership calculation?
6. Will there be any downtime during a tech refresh?
Planned downtime as a result of the transition from the old systems to the new can vary – and most often depends on the customer’s schedule. With the Stratus jumpstart program, which includes 2-4 hours of training in addition to installation, your Stratus system can be installed in as little as a few hours, with training in the afternoon. Often the customer, or their system integrator or partner will load applications and migrate data from the old system. This can be completed in as few as two to three hours.
During a tech refresh, Stratus service provides up to 90 days for you to transition from the old system to the new before the support contract starts. This provides added flexibility and reduces downtime, allowing you to continue running your old system until the new ftServer unit is ready to go into production.